You’ve never had a pie until you’ve tried this Pecan Pie from Killer ESP, a unique small coffee shop in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, DC suburb. We love holidays because of the tasty food like pecan pie we can enjoy for a limited time. Great find while enjoying small boutiques in Old Town Alexandria, one of the best DC suburbs in Virginia. Say hello to one of the best pecan pies in all of the DC metro area. No, possibly the world! This could easily be on our Top NOMs of 2014. It’s not something I would say lightly since pecan pie is one of my favorite desserts that can turn any bad day into rainbows and sunshine. I have very high expectations. Just by looking at it, you can tell it will taste amazing. Something this beautiful can’t taste bad. The flavors and texture were pure perfections with a nice thick softness and crunch. It is not too sweet and not too bland with a little hint of chocolate, so you can still enjoy the amazing pecan flavor. Sometimes people overdo it and pull all flavors with chocolate, but here it’s just right. It’s so good that I could easily eat several slices. Dangerous thought that has crossed my mind with every bite. Great pie for a great price with just a $7 price, got to love it.
According to Killer ESP’s website, their pies are from Dangerous Delicious Pies on H St, and the weird thing is that this pecan pie tasted so much better than what we had from there before. DDP originally was my favorite pecan pie place, and it still has an amazing pecan pie, but it’s nowhere as good as this one. I wonder what might be different about it? We were so happy with this pie that all other pecan pies will be rated compared to this. Did I mention that we really liked it?
Correction, we originally listed the price as $10, but the actual price is $7, enjoy for cheaper!