Meatloaf Sandwich $13
Well hello, sexy monsratosy. Holy moly that thing is so big!!!! At first, couldn’t even tell if there was another bread patty hiding underneath. I love the amazing flavor explosion of everything in there. Look how much stuff they packed in there. It comes with Sweet Fries, which were kind of weak. I will have to come back to this artsy amazing place for more nomnoms!
Chocolate Bacon Milkshake $6
My milkshake brings all bacon yard with this Chocolate Bacon Milkshake from our favorite artsy Papermoon Diner in Baltimore, the city not too far from DC. Bacon Milkshake? Yea, why I haven’t gotten refills of it already! I have to order anything and everything that has bacon. The weirder, the better. This is a high desert order. I love the fantastic chocolate flavor. Plus the little bacon strip sticking out was very nomnom. There is plenty of bacon bits in the milkshake as well, so you will enjoy that bacon heaven for a while. It is a bit heavy of a drink, so got to hit the gym now.