Turkey Burger
Bring on the turkey burger goodness. I don’t usually order turkey burgers, but I felt I should change that up. This was a solid burger and a good menu choice. Of course, like any burger, I added a fried egg on top! You can’t have a burger without one. It was a very juicy and soft meat patty that just melted in my mouth. It comes topped with very nice light and fluffy bun. Fries tasted simply delicious, and I ate them up in seconds. Oh no, there were plenty of them, it just I was so hungry I just vacuumed the place. I love fries that taste great without any sauce. Let the natural flavors come out. This is something I would totally order again next time.
Pecan Cup
I have been craving pecan pie for a month, but sadly they are not in season yet (or so was I told, booo). So as soon as I saw this on the menu, I knew regardless of how overstuffed my tummy felt, I’m getting myself some PECAN PIE! Oh my, this was excellent. My mouth was exploding in flavor orgasms. I usually don’t like room-temperature pecan pies, but this tasted surprisingly good for not been cold. It’s all the pecan crack they put in it. This really hit the spot and satisfied my nomster pecan cravings. If you love pecan pie as much as I, then you must order this.